Cardio Charleston
Fitness meets Charleston for the most fun you'll have
working out all week!
Join us every Monday and every Friday for an
unforgettable workout, packed with our favorite Charleston and solo
jazz steps in a fast paced hour-long class that makes you
No experience necessary, drop in any week of the
Groove Juice Swing's jazz & swing dance version of
Zumba. A fun-first class that blends classic dance moves from the
1920s (think: flapper) and the latest trends in workouts (think:
plyometrics, interval training, flexibility & balance work). If
you've never tried solo jazz, this is a fantastic way to get
started! All kinds of dancers & movers and all fitness levels
are welcome.
Photos by Avi
The Workout

Cardio Charleston is a high intensity workout that utilizes
interval training to burn more calories and improve your aerobic
capacity. It's a total body workout, with a goal of utilizing
multiple muscle groups during each exercise. We cycle through
movements based on kicks, jumps, core work, lunges, and
progressions across the floor, keeping the workout fun and fresh
with lots of variety! This type of training improves endurance,
agility, plyometric capabilities, balance, and flexibility. If
you're a swing dancer, think of this as cross-training!
The Charleston

Cardio Charleston uses a wide range of moves from Swing dances
like the Lindy Hop, Charleston, and authentic Jazz Dance. Learning
how to dance and working out at the same time feels less like work,
and more like a dance party! We can't help but move to the catchy
swinging tunes. The repetition of steps throughout class allows
students time to learn new moves, practice technique, and add new
styling & variations - challenging and inspiring for dancers of
all levels!
Making the Most Out of Class
No matter what your fitness level, you can learn the Charleston!
Every step in Cardio Charleston can be modified to be low impact or
a smaller movement. Tailor your movement to your own body's natural
Start with the Footwork
Some steps can be quite complex, combining arm movements on top
of footwork and traveling across the dance floor. Our
recommendation: start with the footwork. Once you master this, add
in the other layers of movement like your arms. Already know the
move? Try making up your own variations, or ask your instructors
for ideas!
Engage Your Whole Body
Swing dancing isn't just about what your feet are doing. Utilize
a rhythmic bounce driven from your knees and ankles to propel your
body across the floor. Check out how your arms are connected to
your spine and core. If you engage your core and lats, do you feel
more balanced and in control? What are your hands doing? How about
your face and facial expressions? Adding in cognitive checkpoints
for these types of deliveries and expressions will prepare you for
visually inspiring dance performances.
What to Wear
We sweat in this class, so dress for it! We like
comfortable clothes (t-shirt and shorts) and flat-soled
The History Charleston:
The Charleston has its origin in the Gullah and Geechee
communities off the coast of the Carolinas in the Southest
US. In the early 1920s, the dance made it to the mainland,
and thanks to traveling South Carolinian dancers and musicians
quickly made it up to New York City. It then exploded
nationally to become the biggest dance craze America has ever
known. The Charleston is an important Black American art form
which other dances like Lindy Hop came directly out of. Check out
excellent article on the history of The Charleston.
The History of Cardio Charleston:
This class was originally created by Jojo Jackson, Charleston
superstar. Cardio Charleston was developed keep the workout a
priority - every class includes a warm-up, cool-down, and lots of
cardio! Along the way, students learn and improve upon basic jazz
moves and sequences via repetition. Before moving to Denver in
2012, Jojo trained the GJS team so that Rochester can continue to
be the home of Cardio Charleston!